Is it possible to create other part origins in a CAD file?


Is it possible to create other origins (reference trihedron) in a solidworks part?

I saw that you can create a trihedron but if I want to make a curve through an array of points, this curve necessarily takes the origin of the part, not that of my second trihedron (interest of this trihedron for the time being?)

The native file that I retrieved originally misplaced in relation to the physical reference of the part.

On catia you can "switch" from the start to a secondary trihedron created to enter coordinates for example and it's very practical in the case of retrieving control points for example.

I would have liked to avoid moving the part body but if I have no other solution then I will go through it.

Thank you in advance.

I'm not used to using the stitch import but I'm surprised that you can't choose which trihedron to use.

Another possibility: correct the point file. With excel, if it's just an offset of the origin it's simple and fast; For a change of orientation, it's a little more stocky.

As a matter of principle, I like not to have to modify my input, customer and/or supplier data. The fact that you can switch from the original trihedron to the bridge allows you to make the bridge. (under V5 I master but here I don't have the tool...)

My points are excel (second problem because I haven't yet found how to make a scatter plot from the spreadsheet ormis through an xyz curve) but hey I'm going step by step.

I do have a recalibration according to the 3 axes to do, otherwise indeed at worst I would have gone through a formula.

Thank you anyway.

What exactly do you use to import your points?

There was a trick which consisted in creating a new coordinate system and exporting the file in step.

In the export options, there was a place to specify the coordinate system to be taken as the origin of the export.

I haven't used it for very long, I don't know if it still works.


thank you Pascal, this method works (select coordinate system in the step export options)

Well on the other hand to recalibrate the part in 5 axes it's rock n' roll but I'll deal with it.