Create icons in the design library

Hi all 


Is it possible, in this library, to change the image of the folders by an image (which will allow you to know which part/assembly is in the file)?


To be more explicit, an image is attached to this question. How do I transform the base image (representing a file) with that of a screw/nut/etc?



This link can help you:

It is just possible to add the icon for the toolbox represented by a screw.

It is surely possible to modify this icon, but not to customize several types of icon (a screw, a nut...)

My problem is a little more complex than that.

In this library I have assemblies, and I would like to have the image of the assembly instead of the "file" image

Is it possible to do this?

I don't think so.

For now, there are images of the ToolBox and the one for sheet metal stamping parts and that's it

You can always tinker with paint but I don't coddle it.


Sw bug already enough^^


Edit: I misunderstood. It's not possible;)

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See this link

which allows you to drop an image on a windaude folder

via the creation of an ISO image (icon on a file (customizes the file via an image))

to know if it works on SW folders?

I think so but I haven't tried it

to try ;-)
