
I try to color a certain portion of a turning piece (In this case) an external Ø.

But I can't find how to do it, do you have an idea?

Thank you in advance and have a good day,



You can make this part in multiple extrusions (without the "Merge" option).
Add a surface.
to color the desired portion with the color of your choice...

Kind regards


If for a tube of the same diameter you need to divide it into several areas to "color", I recommend "Parting line" after making a sketch with as many very verticals as you need (2 in my example), then color the corresponding faces.

If the diameters are different, you just have to select surfaces and assign a color.

If different diameters, (more for complex shapes) I would cut into several volumes which avoids a long selection of surfaces. With the "Split" tool, same sketch as with "Parting Line" in the plane must be outside the volume of the tube, otherwise it doesn't take it.

Kind regards


The FUZ3D solution is valid but isn't it "Trait" (very?) complicated for coloring only?
This is a stroke of humor... (well I'm going out)... Sorry.

I tried the marker on the screen but when I move the room the areas no longer match.. mdr


Normally just selecting the surface should be enough.

Hello @ all and @ All

I had made a video for a request made on the forum to colorize parts of the room for a user manual.

Kind regards

PS: the separation line method is the one that will give the best result but depending on how the part was made (with or without a separation line) there are other ways to proceed! That's what I show in the video (rather towards the end)


Thank you all for your help @Maclane & @Zozo_mp !

Nevertheless , @FUZ3D's answer is the answer that corresponds exactly to what I wanted to do.

Thank you all and have a good day,

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