Create a loop, solidworks


I have to make a 3D model of a furniture project, only I have a "loop" to do and I look in vain for the solution.

I hope you can help me. 

(This is a mockup, the item with the loop will be plated on the central "trunk".) I am using the 2013 version of Solidworks.

Thank you.



Yes, we can help.

I'll see if I can make the loop as it appears in the photo.

The small difficulty will come from the fact that the propeller does not have a regular pitch but it is playable with a little bit of gingin in the head. :-)

Then we'll tell you how to make it with your old version of SW.



I managed to do something close to it but it's not very pretty/clean.

I created a circle that serves as a guide to make a loop.

1 sketch beginning of the loop "a simple 8mm line"

1 sketch end of loop "a simple line ditto of 8mm" with an inclination

Creates a 3D sketch with a Spline without snapping it to the circle

Connect the beginning and end of the Spline to the beginning and end sketch

And the hardest part is to have a nice curvature while being guided by the circle shape by alternating the 3 planes to adjust the curvature point by point.

once the 3D curve seems coherent I added 2 intermediate planes to adjust the inclination of the ribbon. with an 8mm line (stress at the midpoint)

Then I make a "smoothed surface" by selecting in order the esq start, inter 1, inter 2 and then end. 

At this level you don't have a surface so we give it a thickness with the "Thicken" function menu surface.

I took the opportunity to extend the 2 ends with the "move face" function (I don't know if it's available on sw2013)

I hope to have been able to guide you on a solution, maybe not the best.

NB: Possibility to make a spiral on 1 step that you extend afterwards if you want a perfect circle. 

By the way, can you replace my circle with an elipse;)

Not so easy to explain as a subject but it acts as an idea box;)


Have a good day everyone






I tried your FUZ3D method and I admit that the result is not what I hope for but I will keep trying, maybe =) 

Thanks in any case, it's the "loop" that comes closest to what I want exactly  compared to what I've already been able to do. 

It's one of the last pieces I'm missing to finalize the 3D design of my furniture and it's obviously not the easiest ;)

I can offer you a model like this

Same as spiral propeller start

after sketch for top and bottom

(I have a positioning error since I am well offset but parallel..... sorry);-(

3D sketch via a spline in 4 copies

Creating a rectangular cross-section for surface smoothing profiles

For your part I was forced to do 4 smoothing otherwise it doesn't go properly

I'm attaching the parasolid file to you since SW diff version

2017 for me ;-(

@+ ;-)





It's true not easy but I have that.

I assumed that I have a rectangular sketch that rotates 90° on one turn around some kind of donuts.
may the force be with you.


 Hello gt22,  do you have the possibility to save your file under an earlier version?  (2012/13). If not, could you put the solidworks 2017 file? I may have a way to have a more recent version as a student. 

Your shape is great but I'm really having a hard time redoing it, I'm not an expert in the software yet, I've been working on it for a short time. 

 Hello OBI WAN, I'm going to try your method, it may be simpler.


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@ Raph

here is my file in SW 2017

@+ ;-)




I managed to make this "final curve", only it's not yet niquel and in addition I'm not to scale so like that;)

I'm getting my head around and it's still not okay, it's frustrating^^.

The idea is to put this curve on my furniture that I'm going to attach to you, it's the last piece and I have to move forward. 


Here is the final furniture, the coube being on the side of the longest foot on the ground for a question of stability, the buckle acting as a "hanger". 


You have to make a Pack & go (take-away composition) to send your assembly, for the time being it is empty;)

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already on the surface smoothing1

you take your 3D sketch in guide curve

you shouldn't but you have to take it just below

Construction line parameter



Here is a new piece

(it inflated me a little this story)

see attached

I opted for a spline

and a swept surface

and plays via the options follow the trajectory and  specify a twist in degree

You have to be very careful that each curve

or with a radius much greater than the cross-section of the profile

otherwise it doesn't work ;-)

(even in surface and yet we go further in surface than in volume)

 Now it's up to you to finish the job

and modify the spline so that it gets as close as possible to your image ;-)

attached file SW 2017

@+ ;-)

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the same but with 180° less rotation 

Personally I find it more beautiful

Ditto it's up to you to optimize

@+ ;-)


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He won't be able to open it, he's in SW2013;) made him parasolid or iges.

It's still the same problem with Sw if you have one of the latest versions..; No one can open it, otherwise I would have gladly passed you my model but from what I saw you didn't do too badly.

Just that you preferred to make a rectangle + surface instead of a line + surface and then thicken.

On the other hand, as I said above, your assembly is empty, the parts that make it up are missing.


it went to SW 2017

We worked together yesterday via Team Viewer

and we could also see that it didn't have a good graphics card and I think that also penalizes for modeling 

Have a good day


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Just to participate in the contest :-) Without more, I didn't go all the way because of the excellent proposals already made.

A curve positioned with dots and a sweep. Advantage: one can easily adjust the shape, varying the position of a point that is at the end of the construction line.

Have a nice day

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Hi all

We're getting close to the goal, I still have a slight problem, I have my curve but I have to add another "piece" in the continuity of it.

I tried but the result is not there, while having at least one side of the "piece" added tangent to one of my pieces.

I'll put the assembly (if I did the Pack&Go correctly) attached.
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already look at your 3d sketch connections

@+ ;-)


Hi all

Finally finished, I only have a few small details to add and we can move on to the manufacturing =).

The curve is not necessarily perfect but anyway the final result will not be exactly the same in the workshop =) 

Thank you all for your help, I am attaching some views of the result. 

