Creo v1.0 - Multi-Sheet Drawing

I would like to know if it was possible with Creo Parametric v1.0 to make a drawing but on several sheets.
For example, seen from the front on sheet 1, seen from the right on sheet 2 and seen from above on sheet 3.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards.

Yes, it is not projected views that should be put but each time put back "insert a general view",

and then determine the good plans to have a good orientation or select the views if you have saved any before



No problem creating multiple drawing sheets:

Insert / Sheet

You will be able to switch from one sheet to another using a small frame that appears in your command bars.


Then, as Tomalam explained, it's up to you to create your views so that it corresponds to your needs.


If you need more info, several tutorials exist on the internet (youtube).

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