Data card & date of creation of the short-format configuration


I use $PRP:"SW-Created Date" to indicate the date of creation in my data card. 

It would seem that this date is common and unique to my room and not to my room configuration. Is it possible to differentiate this date by configuration? If so, with what instruction.

In addition, this date is ultra complete with the hours. Is it possible to have this information in short format DD/MM/YYYY?

Thank you for your feedback



I don't think it's possible to differentiate the creation date by configuration other than by macro, this date being the creation date of the file.
For the short date format you can use $PRP:"SW-Date short" instead of $PRP:"SW-Created Date"

Kind regards

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Hello Roger,

Thank you for your feedback. Does this mean that my date will change when I change the revision index, or the description for when the plan was created?

Kind regards


Yes, indeed since $PRP:"SW-Short Date calls the current date, it's to avoid this kind of inconvenience that I manage the creation date through a macro before inserting it as text in a property. and the same goes for the revision date if necessary.

Kind regards

Ok thank you