Stair stringer



I am currently modeling a 1/4 staircase turning left with central stringer in 200x100 tube. And of course, I have a lot of trouble letting go of the left turn :/ 

How can I do this? 

I saw that AC Cobra had made a skirting board under SW2016..... I have 2015 :(


Thank you in advance for your help. I'm suffering...

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Can you put your assembly as well as your parts in a ZIP or rar; so I'll look and make you a tutorial

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You will find all the answers you need

@+ ;-)


Thank you very much;)

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You still have to close the question

by checking solved

on the answer that may have put us on the right track

@+ ;-)

PS show us your results, it's always nice a visual of your project ;-)

I'll do all this as soon as I've mapped it out;)

Thank you.

Whoa! You have forgotten me??? ^^

no why is your blem?

You didn't manage to do what you want


Well I didn't get a tutorial from AC COBRA. He must not have had time :)


Well, still nothing... I'm going to continue on my own. Thank you qd even..


Two means.

1. A scan from one side to the other by tracing your guidelines well

2. How will you achieve it? Rolled sheet metal? Then build the junction using four junction sheets.

Share your last file so I can look at this


DSL for delay; I think there is a problem in the design of the stringer at the beginning because it should go through the middle of all the steps and when we project sketches it does not cross each other and when we do them cross the lower part moves see Pj

To get there, you have to find the intersection and then you have to make a perpendicular cut on your lower and upper parts.

Well, I gave up.... but the staircase is made in the workshop.

Cool, but the problem is that I still don't know how to do a virtual unveiling :/

Oops, I hadn't seen the messages from CHRISTOPHE G or AC COBRA, sorry. The silt is therefore made in the workshop, in real life.

For the drawing, I don't think I'll miss the inclination and orientation of my pieces of stringer (it's at 90.5° with a slope of 42.25°).

@Christophe: The problem is that I couldn't draw my guidelines (where do they come from? how much?). I only drew the guideline from the middle of the upper width of the stringer, and I followed my sylhouette (a rectangle) by a hook point, which was therefore the center of this width.

It made me...

@ AC Cobra: you were almost there ^^ how did you do it?


But thank you;)

I have exactly the same problem as you

no way to make the silt
