Decimals in Solidworks Document Properties


Whenever I close Solidworks, the length decimals always return to 2 units instead of the 3 I set up.

Is there a trick to always keep it at 3 units?








the document properties (tab where your unit options are located) are not saved on saving like the system options, this is part of your "Document Template"

  1. You start by opening a new document where you do NO MODELING
  2. You set up your units, as usual and validate
  3. You "SAVE AS..." and in file type you search for "PART TEMPLATE"
  4. Normally when you have changed the file type, the folder to save it is automatically inquired (solidworks native document directory), if this is the case don't touch anything, but remember where it was saved because it's not finished
  5. Give your file a name and validate
  6. THEN (we're coming to the end) you go to your system options > default  model and you fill in the new path of your "part file"
  7. Valid


I'm sorry I can't take screenshots for you, I'm not on my workstation. But if you can't do it, I'll try to make you a little tutorial as soon as I get home. 

Unless a charitable soul comes to your rescue.

Have a great day to you!


Nice explanation.

Also to be done for drawings (1 file per format).

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It's okay, it works!

Thank you

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