Define a Sinusoidal Motion with Soft Start


I try to define a sinusoidal movement with a soft start. I'm using the segmented motion feature because I don't want the motion to start right away.

My problem is the first part of the curve. I have tested all the possibilities but I can't find a satisfactory solution.

In the attached image, what interests me is the part highlighted in yellow. But on the other hand, the function used gives me the problem highlighted in red.

How can we avoid it?



Well actually, I don't have the impression that this acceleration "accident" is a problem during the simulation.

It must be 'erased'...



Is it normal the value 0 between 2s and 2.5s? I feel like it should be +50.

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It's simulation or motion     ;-)

Kind regards

@stefbeno, yes it's normal, we go back to 0 before going down to -50.

@Zozo_mp, it is in motion.

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