Request for aid for the creation of keyways with rounded bottom

Hi all

I allow myself to ask you this question because I am starting out on Solidworks

I would like to make a pin punch and I need to make a groove of 8 mm in diameter  with a rounded bottom of 8 mm in diameter as well.

Imagine making a groove with an 8 mm diameter ball cutter.

16.5 mm deep and 18 mm long.

I can make this groove well, but the 8 mm diameter bottom is a problem for me.

I thank you for your help and I ask you to be indulgent because I am a neophyte in CAD

Thank you


To put it simply; I advise you to increase the depth of your groove by 4mm and to apply a radius of 4mm since your tooling has a diameter of 8mm.


 Hello ac cobra 427

Thank you very much

Thanks to you I was able to make my groove  in 5 minutes

Thanks again


You're welcome.. ^_^

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 Hello vicryl don't forget to solve the problem by selecting the answer that solves your problem:)