Move derived configuration

Hi all


I've created many configurations in a room, but I wish I could categorize them better.

I would have liked to use the principle of derived configurations to create "families" of configurations. Unfortunately, I can't manually move one configuration into another so that it becomes a derivative configuration. I know how to create a derived configuration but I would like to avoid recreating all the configurations I have just filled in and losing the properties of each one.

So I'd like to know if anyone knows of a manipulation that allows you to easily group configurations.


Thank you in advance

Unfortunately, to my knowledge, this is not possible.


It may be possible by going through a part family (create a part family automatically according to your current configs and hack it to transform the configs into derived configs), but the problem is that if your part is used in assemblies under different configs, I'm afraid that the configs that would go to derived configs will not be taken into account... to be seen.

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Make a backup of your file before modification and then copy paste in the excel file to make the modifications in the derived configuration and in my opinion if the name of the derived configurations remains the same as before even your old assembly should find their small ones. and at worst you restore your backup