Move an automatic surface from a part body to a geometric set


I have a piece that has been digitized. From the measuring device, I was able to retrieve a mesh from CATIA.
From this mesh, I locally select some element of my mesh with the Trapdoor tool in the Quick Surface Reconstruction Workshop. Then from these selected elements (points), I use "automatic surface" which creates a surface that passes through these points at its best.

This protocol suits me well and it allowed me to build small surfaces on my local mesh on which I was able to recover characteristic points of the geometry of my part.

My problem is the following: at the beginning of my manipulation, I didn't pay attention and the automatic surfaces that I created on my mesh were built in the body of my part. I'd like to move these automatic surfaces into a geometric set but I can't. When I move an automatic surface in a geometric set, this geometric surface gets wrong (exclamation mark) and by having it edited, I can't easily recover it unless I redo the whole initial protocol.

Here is a screen print to illustrate my blocking point:


Do you know how I can move an "automatic surface created from a mesh" from a part body to a geometric set? Of course, without having to redo the automatic surface from the beginning from the mesh.

By the way, I specify how you can see on the diagram that my mesh is located in the body of the part.

Thank you in advance for your ideas.



Tjrs in hybrid mode?

The PB or the advantage (it depends on the habits) is that unlike the normal mode, the elements built in the surface workshops are organized chronologically, so it's more difficult to reorganize.

I don't have the CATIA modules you used but for my part, since the source is a point cloud I wouldn't keep the parent link of the surfaces created on this cloud.

I would attempt a special copy/paste/as a result of the surfaces.

So you can delete automatic surfaces and surfaces without history can be moved easily.  


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Super. Your "gluing as a result" technique seems to work.

On the other hand, the associated local surfaces and points are with the "Insulate" logo.

Can it be annoying afterwards?

If so, how can I "Deisolate" them (i.e. define) them to the exact location where they are (fixed to their position)?

Thank you for your advice. 

Dixit: On the other hand, the associated local surfaces and points are with the "Insulate" logo.

This is not a consequence of  "sticking as a result".

I think it's more due to the destruction of the automatic surfaces, right?

Before deleting these surfaces, it would have been necessary to do a "replace" and point to the surfaces  "paste as a result".

Otherwise you have to redefine see example on a point.

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For the moment the local automatic surfaces are not destroyed because I did a copy/paste as a result and not cut/paste.

I'm still interested in your feedback to know how I can continue.

Regarding the options you presented to me: 

option1: "before deleting these surfaces do a "replace" and point to the "paste as result" surfaces  "

Option 2: "Redefine a point"

1) Which one to try first?

2) For option 2, this is a point. But, first, the local automatic surface must first be transferred from the body to the geometric set.


I can't answer points 1 and 2 until I know how the BodySurfacePoint3 was found from the " main body" to the " surface body" ?

Are you the one who copied and pasted it as a result ?

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The "SurfaceBody3" and "PointSurfaceBody3" were copied/ pasted (by me) as a result of the body in the geometric set (called body not very wisely).

And as a reminder, the "SurfaceBody3" is an automatic surface that has been created in the body from a mesh with the Quick Surface Reconstruction tool.

 OK, so you still need to have a  "BodySurfacePoint3" in the main body that has a child link on its parent, the  automatic "BodySurface3" surface in the main body.

If this is the case you can destroy the "BodySurfacePoint3" (isolated) in the geometric set.

Then on the "BodySurfacePoint3" in the main body you right-click / "Replace" and you redefine the reference surface ("BodySurface3" of the main body ) by the Isolated surface ("BodySurface3" ofthe geometric set ) .

Normally you should then be able to move  "PointSurfaceBody3" from the AFTER part body ("SurfaceBody3" of the geometric set).

I understand. Thank you.

OK. For the point.

On the other hand, compared to "SurfaceBody3, what do I do for this surface that I moved in the set. This surface has the Isolate icon.

Is it embarrassing to leave this surface like this?

And if so, what do you recommend for this surface?

Thank you for your advice.

I'm starting to understand more, it's not advisable to have elements with the same names everywhere.

Dixit: On the other hand, compared to "SurfaceCorps3, what do I do for this surface that I moved in the set. This surface has the Isolate icon.

?? you didn't move this surface, you pasted it as a result and if you did the previous manipulation it became the parent of the "BodySurfacePoint3".

It's "SurfaceCorps1" that you moved from the body to the geo set and which is at fault, the best is to put it back where it was if nothing has been modified beforehand it should find these little ones.


Is it annoying to leave a surface Insulated.

In your case I would say no because anyway it's the result of an automatic surface generated from a point cloud (so not modifiable this point cloud)