Unfolded sheet metal impossible

Hello, I have a problem while making a sheet metal part in Solidworks, I can't get to unfold, the error "The bend may be merged with another ply". I don't know how to solve this problem, unfolding this piece may not be feasible?



I just looked at your part and it's your Swept Bent1 Sheet function that is causing your part to bug. To make your part unfold with the side fold, you will need to remove your Swept Bent1 Sheet function. Reduce your top fold by 5mm on each side then create Sheet Folded on Edge where you have removed your function Swept Folded Sheet1 with a radius of 79.5 then length of the blind folded sheet and 85.5 and in the position of the folded sheet and the middle one (bends outside) and there your piece will unfold. I'm under 2020, otherwise I would have joined the room.


Thank you ac cobra for your answer but I don't want to reduce my top crease by 5mm on each side and I also don't want a crease on edge because I want to get an unfolded one like the attached image.


that's what it looks like when you unfold see PJ


I redesigned it in 2016 to send it

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Okay I see where my mistake came from, thank you very much ac cobra 427 

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I have a bug on my part if attached when I unfold it it adds material to the place of the folds normal or not 

could you help me please 


Thank you for creating your topic rather than digging up an old topic. You will have more answers, plus a screenshot helps for the subject for those who don't have the same version of SW.

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