Unfolding incomprehensible sheet metal

Good evening everyone

Here I am again with  another method to try to build a sphere or rather a disco ball, I can't get out a unfolder worthy of the name for this piece of sheet metal after the 2nd removal of material

Before no problem, I would also like to print a text and then  do a material removal to pierce it following the text, did I make myself understood? Well a lot of question, finally thank you if there are answers I put a screenshot.



If the unfolded people start to be incomprehensible, it will be hard to bend them to our will ;-) ;-)


Don't hit the head  !!      anyway I'm far away ;-)

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Can you post your piece with the main dimensions.
I think you should use the method proposed several times by @ac cobra (it seems to me) which is to start from a cylinder or portion of a cylinder that is quite easy to flatten.
On the other hand, if you want concave parts, it's not possible with SW.
If it is portions of a cylinder "the mirrors of the disco balls are flat" then the method of our eminent colleague seems to me to be the right solution.

Kind regards



Can you share your room so we can take a look...

Good evening everyone

I put the file in attachment, by deleting material removal N10 unfolding it is done normally, thank you for your answers.




In order to be able to unfold your piece, the one SI needs a flat surface, even a few 0.01mm are enough.


As @Pierre S says in your material removal 10 instead of 0 on the tip you put 0.0001 and it works.