Unfold a PH



Can you unfold a pH with SolideWork?

If so, an example

Happy days kings of the cad.

@ david.skorzewskicao

-What is this beast a ph? 

- an image to give to post

@+ ;-)

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A priori no:


"you simply can't unfold anticlastic surfaces, like hyperbolic paraboloids"




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If we divide the surface for example?




A little grow info G.


Parabolic hyperbola:


This surface can be obtained by sliding a parabola over another parabola turning its concavity in a


the opposite direction. It is also a regulated surface that can be generated by the displacement of a straight line


relying on two non-coplanar fixed lines while remaining parallel to a fixed plane. It is therefore possible


to build such a surface with strings stretched between 4 piles1. This technique is frequently


used in scouting as decoration.


Source: Wikipedia


I am enclosing a small image well known to all representing a hyperbolic parabola.



@+ !




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