Designation of a pulley


I have a question about belts and pulleys.
I would like to know where this designation comes from, for example "1610" or "1108"

For example here:

And are we talking about the section or the profile of a belt?


Thank you very much and have a good day everyone!

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The 1610 or 1108 have nothing to do with the pulley, it is the reference of the tapered hub.

As far as the designation is concerned, we generally speak of a cross-section for a smooth belt  (V-ray or cylindrical) and a profile for a synchronous (toothed) belt.

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Hello, thank you for your answer.

In this case, where does the 1610 come from?

And for belts, what does SPA mean? It's the series, but what does it mean exactly?


Thank you!

Here is the answer regarding tapered hubs:


And here is the answer for the belts:

Yes, I did see this content.

But anyway I talk more, what does the letters "SPA" mean

The A is the type of couroie
The SP is for the narrow series, but what exactly does SP mean? Is that an abbreviation?

And where does the 1610 come from? Is it ribs on the hub?

Thank you

Hello everyone,

Anyone have an idea for these designations?

Thank you!

In my opinion, this is just a commercial reference, nothing more.


as for belts/pulleys and these denominations

See this distributor among others

@+ ;-))

A complement:

SPA defines the cross-section of the belt