Drawing outline according to photo

Hi all!!


I'm currently drawing a shape based on an image on SolidWorks (2013).  In this case, a household robot from SMEG


Regardless of the scale, but roughly 430 mm wide.


But I can't seem to get a clean sketch that looks like this shape (the red part of the robot. I did manage to get something that looks like it with dots stuck on a sketch image and a Spline, but it's not clean.


Do you have a solution that works well???


A big thank you in advance!!




Good evening 

If this image and PDF or if you can turn it into a PDF there is a nice little software available, PDF TO DXF it should help you to have a good sketch in DXF.

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See this tutorial



The general principle is to insert the image into the sketch and then draw using the sketching tools: Spline or line and arc succession on top of the image.


There is the "Autotrace" add-on which, once activated, allows you to recognize the lines of a photo to transform them into a sketch.


not always very precise, but it can help from time to time... =)



In addition to what @Bart says, here is a tutorial:


To insert an image, it's in "Tools > Sketching Tools > Insert Image"

See also:


Thank you very much!!!


Colls these little tips:)

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I just want to say thank you for all the tips you share here. They are simple, clear and very easy to execute. And  thanks to them I was finally able to improve my technique and practice easily to make my drawings on SolidWorks (2013).