Edge detection


I would like to make a sketch from an image.

So I inserted a sketch image but then I can't find how to do the contour detection.

Can anyone help me?


Thank you in advance.



With the "autotrace" add-on you should find the solution to your problem.



Thank you Raimanu.

a small checkbox:)

if your lines are not very clean it won't go by autotrace

so see this tutohttp://www.lynkoa.com/tutos/3d/tuto-creation-d-un-model-l-aide-d-une-image

@+ ;-))

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Thank you GT22 for this supplement

I was just going to have to undertake to improve my image. 

it's the problem of image or photo recovery

depending on the quality of the lines and also the contrast of the support

if you work in close-up

It's pretty quick to redo any image

only make straight lines by putting the + in the center of the pixelation in zoom

and it's going well

@+ ;-))

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