Detecting Interference in an Assembly

I'm working on a large assembly of parts and I wanted to test the detection of interference but for only one part of this assembly. So I selected my part in the property manager but the result took out all the interference from my assembly, which is not useful to me and takes a lot of time...

I haven't found how to see ONLY the interference related to my selected room...

The Solidworks help tells me that by selecting my part in "Selected components", I will only see the interference related to this component but it doesn't work :s

Do you have a solution? I attach the screen of the options of my Property manager.



Already uncheck the option "treat a coincidence as an interference" you will have a much shorter list!

Also uncheck "include interferences from multi-body parts".

And ticks "create a screw file".


It should give a cleaner result (the screws are still interfering due to the thread).

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I don't want to ignore coincidences, that's why I checked the option. I don't have any screws in my assembly, that's why I unchecked the option that creates a screw folder.
In addition, since my assembly consists mainly of mechanically welded parts, I understand that we must check this option (Include interference for multi-body parts) if we want to see the interference due to the different bodies of a mechanically welded assembly?

My real concern is that Solidworks calculates all the interferences of my assembly and not only those related to the part I have selected.



Interference is calculated between a minimum of 2 components, so if you are selected only one, it calculates only the entire assembly.

Take at least 2 components.


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Ha really?? But... If I want to see all the interference related to a single room, it's not possible? How can I do this?

Basically, my goal was to take my networks one by one and see all the clashes compared to the rest of the assembly...

Something that would look like the "See constraints" option, which would hide all the components that don't clash with the selected part?



To understand better, why don't you want to ignore coincidences?

Do you want SolidWorks to tell you even when it's two sides in support only?

@Coyote: I think he calculates the interference of this room with all the others,  but the interference of the others with each other.

Otherwise, if your list is so big, it's because you have a lot of interference!

Try to check the box "make the parts in interference transparent".

Normally, all the pieces displayed should be transparent, as they all coincide with your selected part.

@Lucas, basically, I wanted to deal with all my interferences (including coincidences because I have to respect a play with my piece). However, I was getting out all the existing interference in my assembly... And even the ones that had nothing to do with my part (it took about 15 minutes to calculate all that).

I tested without checking the coincidence interferences and it took two seconds and it came out to me exactly what I wanted!! I also unchecked "show ignored interference", I don't know if it has anything to do with it but it seems to me that it's the coincidence option that made SW  row and bug. The option "Make interference parts transparent" is nice in the sense that you can see clashes better but that's not what solved my pb.

@Coyote, there is no need to select two components, by selecting only one component, it works very well!

Thank you very much!



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Yes, I hadn't read your message correctly, you're in multibody so indeed it works.




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