Different configurations of the same subassembly in an assembly



In a complex assembly, I insert a subset (named X) composed of three parts (A, B, C). Each of them has several configurations (left and right). In the assembly, I have this subset several times but some occurrences should not be configured in the same way: for example I should have X(Aleft, Bleft, Cright) & X(Aleft, Bleft, Cleft). Only when I change the configuration of the subset for one occurrence, does it change it for all occurrences... I tried "right click" on an occurrence in the FeatureManager, "Component Property" and select the appropriate configuration, it changes the configuration for all occurrences...

I've been looking for several hours but the answers I've been able to find here and there don't solve anything... Do you have an idea? Any advice?


Thank you in advance.

you have to have so many conf in X to have differences on A, B and C.

e.g. X1 = Ad + Bd + Cd

X2 = Ag + Bd + Cd

X3 = Ag + Bg + Cd ....

Good luck

And then in your main assembly, you'll choose the X conf you want for each. (even during a component repeat, you can change the conf on the repeats)




To agree with OPIP; for each combination of parts you would need a config.

As he told you, good courange...   :-)

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If I understand correctly, the last level assembly must have as many configurations but it's very cumbersome to manage, especially since the example I took is simplistic...


That's quite a lot of configurations... Isn't it simpler because it's going to quickly become unmanageable Nb of configuration x Nb of component = headache!!


It can be interesting to break up the sub-assembly to be able to configure the parts as you wish.

On the subset: right-click > decompose.

 See here:


Otherwise, it would be interesting to manage the X assembly with a family of parts to facilitate the management of configurations.


It's a bit like the limit of the configurations.


As @PL indicates, it may be interesting to raise levels. It would make you less config to manage.

You don't have to create a config for each possible case either. You can create only the configs you need for your design.


The other possibility is to play with the freedoms of your subassemblies by making them flexible in the main assembly (right-click on subset A => property => flexible).

If we take a cylinder for example: you can give it all the rod outlet lengths or make it flexible. In the first case, he will be the one who will direct the positioning of your assembly. In the 2nd case, it will follow the positioning by putting itself at the right length (on the other hand, you have to remember to remove the length constraint in the cylinder subassembly)


Good evening


Thank you for all your remarks, they are all useful to me. Having only a limited knowledge of SW, it is very important for me to understand what is possible and what is not possible, and above all I need to practice to determine what will be the most practical method of proceeding. But it's not easy. Frankly, it's a shame that we can't "manipulate" the configuration of the subsets independently of the other occurrences!!


That said, I already use the flexibility feature of an assembly and it's not the right method for my purpose.


To break the component, it's relatively difficult, positioning is sometimes tricky and I would like to avoid doing it every time as much as possible.


On the other hand, I'm going to dig into this part family story because if I want to be able to modify complex subassemblies in assemblies, it may be a good way to avoid having to manage a litany of configurations by hand...


Thank you again to all!