SmartBom Component Reference Differentiation


We have a problem with using SmartBom instead of the original Solidworks BOM.

In an assembly are placed X identical components (here 4 sensors). On each of these sensors, a property related to the assembly is manually assigned (right-click on the part, property, component reference). By generating a Solidworks BOM, it manages to distinguish these 4 components and create 4 different lines including this component reference . This is the way we work.

Using the SmartBom utility, it does not differentiate between the 4 components and displays the component reference of one of the elements. Is it possible to achieve the same behavior as the original Solidworks BOM, i.e. display a line for each component (same part file but different in its unique property ).

For those who are wondering why not use the Solidoworks BOM directly, the goal is to be able to concatenate some lines with each other as well.

Kind regards.
