Dimension of a plan object in the model

So, after calling on Visiativ's help, a little feedback from them:

Go to the model construction tree, under annotation and link the dimension of the plane with an annotation view that goes well. (double click on the function => right click on the dimension => select the annotation view => choose the one that works well or move from one annotation to another if you don't have a display bug)

Then in the 2D, display the view palette then select the view corresponding to the annotation view and drag and drop on the plan

The dimension then comes with the plane. Remember to select "Import annotations => design annotations" if this is not the case

Drag with shift+mouse to the already projected view.

Obviously, there is still a bug for not being able to do it with the "object of the model" function :slight_smile:


I design in the same way. The switch to Creo must not be entirely innocent to this method of design. :sweat_smile: