I have a fairly large assembly (about 13000 pieces, 3000 of which are unique). When I create a drawing, a large amount of parts no longer appear. I tried to change the parts to solved, to rebuild, but nothing changes.
My goal is to do a conversion to DWG to switch to Autocad.
I don't see how to solve this problem except to lighten the assembly (I have no idea how to lighten it without removing parts)
I'm on standard SolidWorks 2016, on a fairly powerful i7-4790 PC; 16GB of ram; AMD W7100 8 GB card)
For your information, at the moment I'm working on an assembly of 27000 parts.
This assembly was exported in dwg and step without much problem (time of about 30mn for each export)
This assembly of a large part of the factory meets the rules mentioned above, a common part as a reference for each sub-assembly. (here for this factory, the building)
And for your information, we work in a network and without pdm.
PC Config:
Intel Xeon E5-1650 3.6 Ghz
Nvidia Quadro M4000 graphics card
For the number of pieces, see attached screenshot.
Hello, in my opinion it's more in terms of rebuild, autosave and loading options that need to be compared! Your machines are perfect but the parameters of Solid make the times vary enormously! The qualities of representation as well.
I don't have any hidden pieces, I made sure to make them all appear at the time of drawing. I'm going to try to make DWG subassemblies instead of the complete assembly, it should be better. I'll also double-check the performance options in the drawings in case it changes anything, but the assembly itself runs fine on the PC.