Ungroup the same component in two in an assembly (SolidWorks,Keyshot)

Hello, I'm here to ask you a question because I'm stuck.

let me explain the situation to you, To put it simply: I want to have 20 squares of different colors once imported into KeyShot (rendering software).

So I created a single square, assembled 20 times in SolidWorks. However, once on KeyShot, the same color spreads over ALL 20 squares because they come from the same room. 

My question is: Is it possible, from the same square, to dissociate the 20 squares once assembled to obtain a different color for each one?

Thank you for your help, Sincerely


Yes, it's possible, you have to associate a color on each square in your assembly, in Solidworks.
You should not change the appearance of your square at the level of your piece but at the level of your assembly.



Hello, indeed we have to manage this at the assembly level:



Thank you for your answers. I tried a change of appearance in Solidworks, even a different color affixed to several squares is not enough to dissociate them when I do my rendering in KeyShot. I made an assembly of 4 squares of the same size but different colors and in the same assembly I added only one square of different size. Under Keyshot, I can change only the color of the same 4 squares (but not independently) and the last square totally different... Maybe I misunderstood your help? Kind regards

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Try to make a chamfer around your mother square

and duplicates it

you will have x squares with a cut in your surfaces

and you can apply the color you want on each surface

@+ ;-))


Thank you for your answer gt22, but in reality my square already has a chamfer. I link you to the square in question

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so your surfaces are well dissociated and you can't only color the surfaces on KeyShop

@+ ;-))

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If it's the whole mass that you want to change its appearance make an assembly of x squares 

keysohp should recognize each piece independent of each other

and then you will have enough to change the mass of the pieces and therefore the faces of the squares

@+ ;-))

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I'm not a Keyshot expert, the software doesn't use the colors of Solidworks?

Because a priori, Keyshot manages colors by identical elements, as you say, if you change the color of one of your squares, they all change color because they all come from the same room.

If changing the colors in the assembly in solidworks doesn't change anything in Keyshot, then you can also change the color in your part and do a "Save As" every time you change colors. On the other hand, you will find yourself with 20 different files to insert one by one in your assembly... Not practical...


See this link


whose answer from Speedster

@+ ;-))



You could make your squares virtual one by one.

In your assembly, click on one of the squares, right-click/Make virtual. As a result, this square is now independent of your original square and saved only in your assembly (no external sldprt file).

Do the same with the other 18 squares and try again on Keyshot.


Thank you for your answers! Indeed the technique of modifying each piece is not practical but what is sure is that it will work. I went to see the gt22 link, indeed it explains how Keyshot recognizes the different materials from SolidWorks, only it didn't work in my case, I even started again to be sure but it's not my case. Strange... I adopted Benoit LF's technique, efficient and quite fast! Thank you for your help and research!