Recent Documents Not Working


When I click on the preview of the files (part, assembly or plan) by "Browse recent documents":

- The opening window closes

- Files are not opened

- No error message is displayed.

While the "Show in folder" link in the same window works correctly and the files are present and accessible (opening via Windows Explorer works correctly).

Test done on local files with the same results.

Thank you for your possible solutions.



What version do you have?

On my 2020 SP4 version, I also encounter anomalies, but rather different from yours.

My solution is to save, close SolidWorks, and reopen and it works

To try, keep me informed.




I also have the 2020 SP4 version.

I had tried to close and restart, but it doesn't work any better.

I also tried to run SolidWorks as an administrator: no better either.

Thank you for your idea of a solution and good afternoon.
