Constant Data in Custom Properties Pane

Hi all

I created an editable part through the custom properties pane, to do this I used the properties form editor (we don't all have mycad).

My question is the following: in my example, I would like to be able to display the value of a dimension, without it being modifiable.

To be clearer I want the value 30 to be displayed, but I wish we couldn't replace it. Although this modification does not change anything in the geometry of the part.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards.



Have you tried to make right click on the coast and make it read-only,


You just need to create the rib in the room.  You delete the revolution and make the sketch you dimension appear but without editing the sketch and the dimension will follow in all configurations. See PJ



I don't think this is possible as a matter of course in solidworks, but certainly with MyCADtools.

I knew it would be complicated to explain?

So I created a property associated with a dimension, the value of the property evolves according to that of the dimension on it, no worries I manage.

I know how to make this value appear in the property section, no worries.

But since it's in a text box, someone can replace that text with another value and that's what I don't want.

It's really information that I want, not at all from the modification, the modification part is at the top.

And setting the rating to read-only doesn't change anything@sbadenis thank you anyway.

I think it's not possible but you never know.




I don't really understand, you would like to display the dimension of 30 in the room without being able to modify it...

The dimension I made on the sketch in the part is not editable, it is a dimension driven by the sketch so not modifiable except by configuration...

Yes I just want to retrieve an info, such as retrieving a volume or an area.

In fact the problem is that this value does not recalculate .

For example this value corresponds to the volume of a part, when I open the said part I get 10L, I modify the geometry value and I rebuild my volume to 5L.

On the other hand, if a head in the air writes in this box volume 2L, I could change the geometric values I would always display 2L even if in reality if I evaluate I have 30L and even if I do ctrl+Q.

This is possible and this value cannot be changed manually but according to the configuration used. it's a dimension or an annotation DRIVEN by the configuration...

For me the initial question was:

My question is the following: in my example, I would like to be able to display the value of a dimension, without it being modifiable.

To be clearer I want the value 30 to be displayed, but I wish we couldn't replace it. Although this modification does not change anything in the geometry of the part.

I think I answered it brilliantly...  

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What if this text box cell was just a calculation box cell

therefore not modifiable

except for the values relating to this said calculation

the x boxes taken into account for this calculation

@+ ;-)

Hi all

First of all, thank you for your answer.

@ ac cobra 427 I have no doubt that you answered brilliantly but what answer are you talking about then.

@ gt22 I don't understand your answer because I only see text boxes in the form editor.


In the example in the joined part, there is a property called the planking radius and it refers to a dimension of sketch 1.

The other data drives dimensions that allow the model to be adjusted to the desired wishes.

If you change the planking radius dimension to 20, nothing happens in the model but this value remains at 20; even if you change the other values and rebuild the model.

Sincerely, and have a good week to all.



I'll pass you the custom properties file too.


In my 1st answer I show you how to display the rating of 30 as asked in the question and it is not editable. It changes according to the configuration used as requested in the question.

@ ac cobra 427 to agree but it doesn't correspond to what I want to do, if you have the time to remanage my piece you may understand better.

Thank you

Good tanpis,

Thank you for trying to help me.

Have a nice day.