Dual isometric view

Hello everyone,


I'd like to know if anyone knows of a solution to do a double ISO view in Solidworks in a MEP.


I have a large rectangular parallelepiped to show on both sides. I'd like to create a second ISO view to show the "other side".


Thank you all!

In fact, you just have to create a new view, and reverse the first ISO view with an updated meter to the standard view.



Insert a front view, and project the iso view to the 4 corners of your front view, and you will have the 4 orientations.


After that, you have a function to rotate your views.


I'm attaching a picture to you.


follow my image and you will have what you want =)




Yes, you can also use the "in progress" view (after refreshing the views).


And a little tip since 2013:


View Selector






Which allows you to display a visualization cube that easily displays the ISO view on the other side by clicking on one of the corners of the cube (the gray one at the top in front of it for example).


Another alternative:

_ Orient your 3D as you want (personally I use the keyboard arrows, or even shift + arrows, it's more precise)

_ Press "space bar".

_ Click on new view (logo of a spotting scope with a star). You can save this view with a name (like "ISO_2") and find this orientation when you insert a 3D view in your drawing!


The created orientation can even be saved for use in all your other 3D models...


Hello @BATCH123!


Has your question been answered?