Draftsight no longer launches

Hello community!!

I ask you for a mysterious mystery...

On my computer, I have SW and draftsight installed, but since yesterday, Draftsight crashes as soon as I launch it. 

I've already done a lot of research to solve my problem but nothing helps.

I uninstalled Draftsight and reinstalled it but it doesn't change anything.

If anyone has an idea.

Thanks in advance


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Note for myself: Before looking for a solution on the forums, take a look at the publisher's website....


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By uninstalling Draftsight you also deleted all source folders??? Because I think there is a corrupted file in one of the folders. After you really remove everything, redo the installation.


already do to test

System Restore

See here



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They have decided to no longer give free access in the near future..................?

Loss of income maybe?

it's surprising this end date on X draftsight

the versions concerned

Thanks @ rroblin for the info


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Thank you for your answers. 

So for it to work well, you have to download Drafsight from the publisher's website.

Yesterday I had taken it on 01net, or clubbic, or I don't know what and the drafsight 2017 SP1 64bits files are not the same size. The one from clubbic doesn't work while the one from 3ds works perfectly.

Thank you


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Issue Resolved

Does it work for you in 32 bit???????????

See this link


he talks that despite the fix it doesn't work in 32 bit

@+ ;-)

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Put this answer in resolution

Thank you for your answers. 

So for it to work well, you have to download Drafsight from the publisher's website.

Yesterday I had taken it on 01net, or clubbic, or I don't know what and the drafsight 2017 SP1 64bits files are not the same size. The one from clubbic doesn't work while the one from 3ds works perfectly.

Thank you

