DriveWorksXpress and Dropdown List

Hi all


Currently learning about DriveWorksXpress,
I am looking to get information about DWXpress's programming features.

I want to create a form that will allow me to create a parameterized assembly.

I can easily create a simple one,
But since I own many different types of parts,
I would like to know how the drop-down list works,
Which seems to me the most appropriate choice.

Let me explain,
I want to make 3D "auto" doors models.
I have several types of doors
- Right sash / Left sash / Double doors
- No Closure / 1 Point Closure / 2 Point Closure / 3 Point Closure

In my basic design, I made all types of doors possible
So in this case, I have 12 possible configurations

The "checkbox" system works as I wish,
But the 12 boxes "pollute" the form
In addition, if I tick 2 boxes (for example Ouv D - 1 pts AND Dbl Prt - 3 pts)
The design is still carried out and an error appears.

The most logical choice would be to use the drop-down list,
But I have the impression that the drop-down list is only there to provide information
And not to bring an element of design.


Could you tell me if my impression is good
Or else tell me how the drop-down list works.

Thank you for your help,
See you soon



Can you explain what your problem is with the drop-down list exactly?

The principle is to create for example a list named "configuration" with the choice "a", "b", "c", ....

Then in the rules on an assembly component, for example, you just have to say confided choice of component: If ("configuration"=a, "a", if .....)

Please specify where your problem lies.
