DS Line Thickness Per Window


I use Windows10 home x64 and Draft Sight free x64 SP3.

When I use the line thickness per window with in the Print Setup (CI) and Additional Configurations Option (OCS)

"Use Affected Line Weight" checked

"Show Print Styles" unchecked

this does not work in a print setup for PDF file.

In the small window of the Print  Setup preview, the strokes take the required thickness, but in the paper space window they don't.

When you start a print preview, for a fraction of a second the lines are the requested thickness but do not remain.

On the other hand, if you do the same thing by changing the color, everything is OK

Attached are the Essay 1.dwg file,  the Sheet  and 2.cfg files, the Sheet 2.ctb file, the Essay 1 to 3 pdf files

For information,

.cfg files will need to be placed in C:\Users\session name\AppData\Roaming\DraftSiight\18.3.4213\Print Settings

the .ctb file should be placed in  C:\Users\session name\AppData\Roaming\DraftSiight\18.3.4213\Print Styles

Thank you in advance




