DS2018SP3Free Script Edit a Dimension Style


Editing a Dimension Style by script does not respond to the request, but can be very efficient.

If you have multiple Dimension Styles in your drawing, and you want to change only one of them.
You open the dialog box, you make the Style you want to edit Active.
You change your Style and then you Apply.
It's over. All dimensions corresponding to the Style in question are modified.

This is the goal sought by all programs.

By script, it's not quite like that!

You run the -STYLECOTE command, to the question "Specify an option"
You enter R for Restore, to the question "Specify dimension style"
You enter the name of your Style, DRAFTSIGHT tells you that your Style is Active.
You run the -STYLECOTE command again, to the question "Specify an option"
You enter A for Apply, to the question "Specify the dimension(s)"
(If you're on the direct command line, and you're typing?
The proposals are as follows:
Window, Last, Crossover, Box, ALL, Path, Secante, WPolygone, Egroup, Add, Delete, Multiple, Previous, Annual, AUto, Unique.)
In reality, this question doesn't make sense, in fact, a Style has been made Active to work on it!
Whether you type F, or BO, or M, it's the same thing, DRAFTSIGHT will pause the script to give you the hand to select your dimensions by window(s) or by object(s).
You end with Enter
All selected dimensions are then changed.

On the other hand, if you opt for the answer EVERYTHING.
Then, all ratings, regardless of their Style, are changed to the Active Style.
Not bad, when you have to standardize a file, but that's not what you expect.
