Exchange data between VBA and .EXE


I would like to be able to execute a file in .exe (written in C) outside the vba and retrieve the values. Let me explain, the program in .exe is used to predict positions, positions that are then included in the SW file.

So the ideal would be to be able to communicate between the vba and the C (put the entries in the VBA -->.exe --> VBA) and those without an external file because this transition could be done using a text file...

To run the program in C, I use this command line:

Shell "CMD /C" & """ & "cd chemin_complet_du_repertoire_du_prog & nom_du_prog_sans_.exe" & """


Thank you.


To move from arguments to the program written in C, see HERE. I don't know if it's possible to do the same thing for VBA.

But the question I ask myself is why not use the same language to do everything?

Kind regards