Unexpected failure on Solidworks drawing task

Good evening everyone, I'm coming to you because I have a problem with my Solidworks drawing tasks. When I launch my task, half of my files are "Unexpected Failed" failure. I tried to change the timer (30 to 120s), reinstall SW but nothing works (see attached file)

Do you have an idea? 

Thank you



Perhaps a detail about the task at hand could explain the reason for the failure?


Maybe difficulties in accessing the files from the station that launches the task (or possibly too long loading times that can cause it to crash if the time limit is exceeded).

I personally had big problems with the scheduler in 2020 Sp3 version (file conversion task + archiving in EPDM).

Hello, the task to be accomplished is a drawing from a model, i.e.: 

- Opening solidworks

- Create a drawing from a template (with 3 preset views + 1 isometric) with a custom basemap

- Inserting the model

-Check in


I just tried with a 240s delay but nothing changes. On the other hand, we can see very well that there are not 240s between each file, there are only a few seconds

Thank you for your help

Hello@Jérémy Lambert_1

Difficult to help you if we don't have more information about the 3D model itself.

For example, are all parts created in SW or do you have imported parts, etc......

Can you show the tree of your model or post your ASM better  with "pack and go"

Kind regards

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Hello, I don't use assembly to make the drawings

What's amazing is that each time it's one out of two in my list, so if I start with the second one, I manage to have the missing shots

I'm attaching a screenshot for a simple piece that failed, there's really nothing in particular, I really don't think it's coming from my parts


Thank you 



Indeed, nothing complicated in your room.

There is one point in your situation that I did not understand.

Let me summarize:

You say:  [When I launch my task, half of my files fail "Unexpected Failure"] question which task launch are you talking about.

If I understand you are in MEP and you load the part directly into the MEP.

But if I read your text correctly, you seem to want to open several at once and that's where it gets messed up!

Tell me where I got it all wrong    Thank you

Kind regards



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I don't open a drawing, I just open the task manager and create a drawing task from a list of several parts (and not an assembly)

It is directly the manager that opens Solidworks, creates the drawing from my model and inserts my parts into it


Kind regards

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And if you raise only the pieces in check, are they all in check or one out of 2.

In case 1 it is probably the part in case 2 it is the task that produces an error.


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By any chance there is not a little explanation by clicking or hovering over "unexpected failure"? (I have a vague memory that there could be a bit of detail).

@froussel: Task Scheduler with Solidworks PDM? It is better to use the FileVersionUpgrade tool in my opinion.

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Hello, excuse me for the delay in response

When I restart the planner with the failed pieces, he will miss one of the two pieces, it's a problem of the planner

Indeed, when we click on "Unexpected failure" it opens a report but there are no details of why it could have failed it