Cartridge scale


I have a problem writing/filling in the scale in the cartouche because I would like the scale of the first view to be filled in in the box provided for this purpose.
I've already tried to create a note and link it to the "View Scale" property but it doesn't work

So maybe I need to find the "name" that SW gives to the scale and make a P.P. but where to find this name?

Finally, I hope that I have been clear and I am open to your proposals to solve my problem.

Good afternoon

Why not set your first view with the sheet scale? 


As MaD says, I use the scale of the leaf for my views. It is this that I fill in my cartridge.

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This can be a solution indeed, so I would have to create a drawing template with the basic scale being the one I want.

And is it possible to create a P.P. so that the user enters the scale he wants to work in and put this value in the properties?

To change the scale of the sheet, just right-click on the drawing and property sheet.



Otherwise if users are really counting clicks, assign a button to a macro that changes the scale.


Or simpler click at the bottom right on the scale box since SOLIDWORKS 2016.
