Exploded: change the configuration of a room in the process of being exploded


In an assembly of a filling system, I use a toggle pin to hold it in position. (Here's for context).

My rocking ankle and assembly with 2 configurations: open and closed. I wanted to make an explosion of my entire shutter system to explain how it works, unfortunately I can't find a way to change the configuration of my subassembly in the process of explosion.

What I want:

Step 1: closed dowel fits into the hole (config: closed)

Step 2: Plug in the hole and open plates (config: open)

Step 3: Open dowel and nuts in position (config open)


Is it possible to modify the configuration of a subset during the explosion?

If so, how?

Thank you in advance.

Post Config: Solidworks 2016 Premium x64 SP5.0