Edit Sketches and Functions by double-click?


Is there a way to configure Solidworks so that in the featuremanager the editing of the function or sketch opens with a double-click, instead of having to do the slow and tedious and painful right-click and click on the edit icon?


For the sketch you have to activate the 3d instant and for the functions; I don't think that's possible.

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Hello @ac cobra 427  (very happy that you are coming despite your new position which leaves you little free time)

For me, keyboard key S or the  fastest one like @ac cobra 427 with 2D or 3D instant or double-click on the volume that was generated by the sketch or the volume attached to it.  The advantage is that you modify the sketch in a three-D environment without going back to pure 2D. Another advantage is that the volume is automatically updated (no more Ctrl B), so you can change the size of an extrusion or removal without opening the function.

I've been using it all day long since instant 3D exists.

Kind regards


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