Edit a comment

Hello Lynkoa team,


A little extra would be to be able to edit a comment that you have left on the forum.


There you have it, notice to developers;)


It's a good proposal I think it:)

Good evening Excellent proposal, there is a group directly related to admins and improvement proposals. I think a little post there would be quite appropriate:)
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A little additional answer (which I could have added when editing my answer:P


Here is the address of the group in question: http://www.lynkoa.com/groupes/support-lynkoa


Have a nice day

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There has already been a request on this subject, see http://www.lynkoa.com/groupes/am%C3%A9lioration-de-lynkoa

But your question proves the need to be able to edit a posted comment.

Kind regards

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We have taken this request into account... It will be implemented in a future update of the site.



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