Hi all. Is it possible to make it so that when I call the "release" value, it automatically shows the text "Good for manufacturing". I tried several functions but couldn't find the right one . Currently I use conditional values with a mandatory passage without internet by "watermark"
Another option is to call up a text and crop part of it by adding a code like for Autodesk Diesel expressions for example
Example under Autocad ( I don't know if the same method exists under Solidworks ? ) :
Field --> Expression Diesel --> $(substr,$(getvar,ctab),1,2)
The 1 corresponds to the 1st character The 2 corresponds to the number of characters to be taken into account. Here, it corresponds to the 1st and 2nd A $(substr,$(getvar,ctab),4,3) would take the 4th, 5th, and 6th character
Hello The tools in the myCADtools suite can provide you with these solutions. I am thinking in particular of the SmartProperties tool, which allows: - Concatenation of properties - the use of rules for string selection - the use of conditional group with drop-down menu -etc... All this is of course completely customizable. Take a look at what this SmartProperties utility can do for you and take a look at all the other tools! https://help.visiativ.com/mycadtools/2021/fr/SmartProperties.html Kind regards
I did a test. I think we are getting closer to the solution. In your example, Matt. the Release value turns into a Manufacturing Voucher. I'd like to display both: the word "Release" and the word "good for manufacturing", by choosing a single box in the custom properties.