Location of the PDM local cache folder on the C disk:


As I understand it, when I work in PDM, SW creates a local copy of the files contained in PDM. These files are placed in a local cache on the C: hard drive. 

Does anyone know the exact location of this hidden folder on the local disk?

I specify that I am not trying to empty this cache, a dedicated command exists and I know it.

Best regards,



The file is loaded in the local view C:\<nom_du_coffre> which is a folder with a special status from the Windows point of view (it is not a classic folder).

Solidworks does not create anything at its level except for temporary ones as for any file opened in an application (~xxx files), everything is managed by Solidworks PDM.



Thank you for your answer. This clarifies things. So there's no point in me looking for a file in a Windows folder.

Have a nice day.