Material removal with surface in an assembly

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to make a material element with a surface in an assembly on several parts belonging to a component repeat?

I hope that my question is sufficiently clear and understandable.

Thanks in advance



To make it easier to understand your needs, could you put us a screen print with annotations of what you would like to have...

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Here's an image, I want to remove the left part with the flat surface.


The surface can be used as an end of material removal

So create a sketch opposite this surface outside the assembly 

and remove material to the surface


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Thank you gt22 for your proposal on the other hand I must have misunderstood your term out of assembly, because when I do what you told me I don't have the option to the surface

What SW version do you have

can you post your file 


I managed to get out of it, from my surface I created a plane with a 2000 offset offset, made my sketch on the plan and then removed material on 2000 in the other direction.

I have the 2014 version.

Thanks again gt22

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You still have to declare the best answer 



Thank you for your help gt22