Removal of material swept in the assembly


Here is my question is going to be a bit technical:

I work in an assembly and I use the sketches derived from my sheet metal in order to obtain my shape on my die and my punch.

FYI I use assembly functions because I don't want my functions to interact in the room. (I need my parts to be interchangeable)

For the matrix everything works without worries. When I modify my sketch on my sheet metal, everything is redrawn without any problems. The same on my punch (see screenshot1)

For the punch I use the assembly function "Swept material removal" for this I select the sketch of my sheet as the "trajectory" and I select a sketch that I have created as a profile

This function works fine like this.

Let's get to the problem part:

When I draw a shape with a hollow angle without a radius it still works but unfortunately when I decide to put a radius (no matter what its value) in the intersection of my angle the function tells me a mistake! I don't understand how to fix this.

I hope I've been clear enough, it's not easy to write down my problem:)

Thank you for your help



Hello, I'm trying to understand but it's not clear enough for me. What's the hollowed angle?

Can you rephrase the problem? Only what it doesn't work. Possibly a screenshot or even better the assembly.   


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