Pyramid Material Removal


I can't find the way to create the illustrated part as an attachment.

It is a cube with triangular shapes glued, whose depths are known, but different at each vertex.

Anyone have any idea how to proceed?


Thank you in advance


I've tried just about every trick I can get, I have to miss something.

For a test, treating only one pyramid, the configuration giving an approximate result is the following:


But it was impossible to follow the triangle-shaped base


I tried by closing the triangles of the profiles.

By reversing profiles and guide curve.

Also tried smoothed material removal.


All this without success

Hello @nicolas.simon.pcs;

In my eyes, a cube would look more like this...

Your diagram is not clear... Does it represent a plane projection view, with the numerical values corresponding to the 3rd coordinate?
This would give a volume consistent with this:

Please confirm, or specify...

Kind regards.

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Hello m.blt

Indeed the cube is the basic volume, in which I want to remove pyramidal shapes.

The numerical values correspond to the depths.

The desired result looks exactly like your representation:)


Can you tell me how to proceed?


Thank you in advance


The stages of construction:
- a 3D sketch to define the edges and their ends,
- a smoothing surface for the outer envelope,
- some boundary surfaces (7) for the triangular faces and the background of the volume.
- and finally, a little sewing to assemble the surfaces, without forgetting to check the "Generate volume" box.

And that's it.
The model is attached, in 2018 version.



Thank you very much for the answer.

Is it possible to have the file in 2017 version?

The same, in 2017 version.
Kind regards...
