Registering a .sat assembly under SW: some parts are missing


On a SW assembly when I save it in .sat for transfer to Autocad, it happens that the resulting .sat does not contain all the parts of the assembly.

Has anyone ever encountered this pb? This does not seem to be systematic because I have already transferred other assemblies to .sat and all the geometry has been recovered.

If I save in .step, on this assembly in particular, there is also the problem.


Thanks in advance




Wouldn't you have deleted/hidden/invisible parts at any chance?

Are the missing parts nothing different from the other parts? Are they not imported parts or parts with surfaces?



Thank you for your answers

No, the pieces are nothing special: they are well displayed and not hidden. They were created in SW. The only difference is that I did operations on the assembly such as removing material but it doesn't seem to come from there because I did the test by removing the function.

I also recreated the assembly from the parts but the pb persists ....






To start, you can do a test by opening the SAT with SW to see if the problem comes from SW or Autocad. If your parts are visible when you open it with SW, it may be due to an Autocad setting.


Have you tried to change the material of the parts. It has already happened to me, especially with transparent materials such as PVC or PMMA.

At the same time, check your export options just in case.  In attachment, you can find mine.

I don't have the problem anymore since SP04 on the SW 2015.


Have a nice day.



Thank you for this new answer and the proposals: I removed the material but it doesn't work any better.

The pb is good when saving the .sat in SW because as proposed, if I re-open, the assembly is not complete: only the first part defining the assembly (part in constraint (f)) is visible. The other 4 are not there.

As for the options, no effect either. I also tried with the option to save multiple body parts in a single ACIS but it doesn't work either


Have a good day everyone




With the help of the support, we found the solution to my problem: it came from the fact that by mistake I gave the same name to my assembly and to a part contained in this assembly.

As a result, this restricted the recording of the sat or step to the single part bearing the name of the assembly.

By renaming the part differently, the pb was solved.

Best wishes for 2016

