Registering a part family on catia V5

Hello everyone,


I made a family of parts with Catia. I would like to record each reference present in this family of parts. How can I do this?


Thank you in advance for your answer.


Have a nice day.

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I think a save under of each reference in a new piece will do the trick.

Then, in each new room, remove references from the family that you don't need.

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A macro should be created. Path to study 

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In CATIA V5 you have to create a catalog.

Attach the CATPart to the catalogue.

Then solve the catalog.

In which version are you and can you provide me with your CATPart and your excel file.



Here is a link that could do the trick

Getting Started
Opening the Component Catalog Editor Workbench
Catalog Basics
Basic tasks
Creating and editing a catalog
Creating a Catalog in Batch Mode
Creating a Catalog Using the Catalog Editor
Editing a Catalog Using the Catalog Editor
View a catalog
Using the Catalog Editor
Using the viewer display
Using the Catalog Viewer
Managing Catalog Components
Instantiating Catalog Components
Reordering items in a catalog
Copy Catalog Chapters and Keywords
Solving part families or part families
Creating Components from Catalog Filters
Consulting a catalog
Creating a Standard Query
Creating an advanced query
Create a custom toolbar that contains a catalog
Advanced tasks
Managing contextual options in catalogs
Using the Reset Components/Reset All contextual options
Use of supporting documents in catalog families
Component Catalog Editor Interoperability
Interoperability in ENOVIA LCA 
Registering a CATIA V5 Catalog in ENOVIA LCA
Interoperability in ENOVIA VPM 
Catalog Management in ENOVIA VPM
Interoperability in VPM Navigator
Registering a CATIA V5 Catalog in ENOVIA LCA via VPM Navigator
Loading a CATIA V5 Catalog with VPM Navigator



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look here from page 26.

Maybe it can help you.

Good luck


@ David.passepont

Thank you for leaving a comment on the family of parts tutorial, without that I wouldn't have seen that only a video is visible. The PB is reassembled at the Lynkoa support.

In the meantime I attach the data and videos.

@ Adrien.larroque.

In the last video we see the Solve button.

It is not necessary to solve the catalog, you can instantiate each configue from it, it takes up less disk space.

For macro, there's a macro recorder that you can use.



Sart recording

I tried to make a recording of a file in step it gives. I have hidden the name of the file used by xxxxxxx


Sub CATMain()

Dim partDocument1 As Document
Set partDocument1 = CATIA. ActiveDocument

partDocument1.ExportData "C:\temp\PRT_xxxxxxxx_001.stp", "stp"

End Sub

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