Internal Registration in an ASSEMBLY

Hello everyone! 

I am in the process of designing 3 entrance halls for a building, which will all be more or less identical, only a few dimensions of the location change. Only I made a mistake, as usual I saved each part created in the assembly as external (I create a PART and ASSEMBLY folder to better find my way around), so instead of saving time by modifying only a few dimensions of my layout, I will be forced to start all over again. So my question is, is it possible to re-register my parts as internal to the assembly?

Yes, right-click on the part/assembly, then in the drop-down menu: "make virtual"


Thank you very much! @max59

Yes, just right-click in the feature manager, there's a make virtual option.

But, if it's just a few sides that vary, why not make configurations?



I'd like to but I've never been trained in how to use them, I have to take the time to watch tutorials.

It's worth taking the time to get started, even if there will inevitably be other problems that will come but on simple config (change of dimension, de/activation of constraints) it works pretty well.

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