Previous version registration


My colleague has to give me an assembly but he is on the 2016 version of Solidworks and my version is in 2014.

We can't find how to save a file in an earlier version.

If I try to open the file the message tells me: an error has occurred ...

Do you have a solution


Kind regards 


To my knowledge, there is no other possibility than a neutral step-type format. It's better if everyone is the same version in the company!!

Kind regards



I confirm d.roger 's words but I recommend parasolid as an export format. In addition, SW has never given the possibility to save in a lower version (too much risk of bug depending on the version).

The only possibility offered was to be able to open the files of the major version N+1 with the SP5 of the major version N-1 but on the one hand we only see a dead body and no possibility to open the drawings.


Thank you, we'll try para


You can save your assembly in STEP and then use Featurworks when opening your parts. This function allows you to recreate the construction tree with the functions available on the version you are working with on the computer.

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