Save each Configuration in a different file

Hi all
I have a lot of files with configurations and some with derived configurations.
I need to save every configuration of my file A in a B file with only a configuration of my file A; with it derivative if it exists.

Is it possible with solidworks?
Or is there a macro or something else?

For my part, I have heard of #TASK Here is the link. But I don't know if there is the right task.

Thank you all.

With Integration, you can turn configurations into single pieces. As far as the derived configuration is concerned, it may be necessary to do a test to see if it follows.

Thank you
you didn't give me the MyCADTools tool but I found it with your image.

I'm going to test it.
Thank you.

With "Integration" you can ...
You had the tool in the second word, but yes I could have been clearer :wink:

Yes, I misread... :innocent: