Save volumes from components that are in an assembly in .iam or .stp


From an assembly, I would like to select some volumes of the components and then save everything in another assembly or in .stp.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thank you



An assembly is a collection of independent parts

These independent pieces are called 

These parts (part) can be used in several assemblies or alone at your choice

they can also be in register in x format



What do you call "volumes" of components? Are they bodies?

For single use, I will duplicate the parts and assemblies and then remove the excess bodies.

If this work is going to be recurring, you'll need to play around with the design views by creating the body removal features and then hiding them as needed.

From there, the export in please is done in the classic way.

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Personally, I would go through display states.

When registering the part or step assembly, SW asks if the hidden components need to be resolved.

If the answer is no, they do not appear in the part or step

@gt22 and @Pascal: attention guys, we're talking about Inventor here (iam files).


Are you sure?

Yet the question is tagged solidworks in the list...

I took the .iam for an exotic export format...

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Same as @ Pascal for me

It was about understanding export


Indeed, it is also a possibility.