Save part part of an assembly to part

Hello everyone,

I would like with Solidworks 2014 to save as a part, a part of a part of an assembly, I know that this is not very clear as an explanation, so I attach a screen print.

I would like to save as a part one of the 6 elements present in the assembly.

Thanks in advance



Try to see  if it works on 2014 and in this way the part keeps a link with the assembly...


Hello ac cobra 427,

I managed to move forward with the approach you proposed, but the attachment contains the entire disk and not the piece of the disk.

On the other hand, if I open the room by myself it appears with the two pieces, so I tried splitting to separate the two pieces, but without satisfactory results.


Could you share your file so I can take a look at it and make you a tutorial?


I have the impression that your problem comes from the fact that in reality your disc (even with the removal of material in the middle) remains a unique piece.

Don't be fooled by the fact that if you open a disc you see an image with two parts. In reality, you always have one piece.

So it was a different procedure, you have to make two backups of your disk with save as ==> copy and open ==> and you name a first time "Diskgauche" (or the name  of your choice) the you delete with a removal or simpler by modifying your sketch of your removal of material at the bottom of the creation tree.

So you have a room that has only half of the disk.

You do the same thing again to get the other half. "DiskDroit"

Then in your assembly you make a first assembly of your two halves of the disc by putting a constraint to keep them at a distance.

Then and only then do you do your local linear repetition.

Kind regards

PS: I don't have solidworks with me I hope that what I'm saying hasn't already been proposed by @Ac cobra ;-)

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Hello to both of you,

Zozo_mp, your solution won't work because my material removal is not identical on each disc, that's why I did it in the assembly.

On the other hand, ac cobra 427 here is the file with the part and the assembly.

Thank you anyway for your answers



How do you wish to have your coins? 6 Pieces Separate or or 3 Discs Cut? 


And if you save your complete assembly in part, do you open this part and remove the excess bodies?

And if necessary you do a function recognition on the remaining part of the disk.

Kind regards


Hello ac cobra 427 and d.roger,

It is 6 separate pieces in solid preferably.

Otherwise your solution d.roger, would suit me, but I don't know why you apparently get solids and I have surfaces in my part, how can I have solids instead of surfaces after registration in part.


When you save in prt you have to check "All components" or "External components" but especially not "External faces".

Kind regards