Register a CATPart or CATProduct as read-only


I would like to know if it was possible to register a CATPart or CATProduct in read-only mode on CATIA V5 R19?

Kind regards.



I don't think so with the standard modules.

Since windows (file properties) "Read only"  will protect your file in a shared space.

But what are you looking for as a finality ?

Thank you for your support.

The goal is to provide our client with a 3D library, but that they cannot modify the files.

so far I generate the files in STP to create dead solids, but this then forces me to reassign the colors on each side of my piece before saving it again in CATPart, because the . STP does not keep color codes.




For the STEP (AP214) you will have the colors

But I would proceed by copying / pasting special as a result with link in a new CATPart (since you exchange in CATIA file):

The link allows you to update the file you send to your client.

For the colors TO CHECK If the feature is in R19

For CATProduct there is the creation of an associative part (but to check if in R19)

Otherwise you can rebuild by replacing the parts with their linked version.


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I hadn't thought of the collage with link thank you very much!!